FACT: Any break in the skin that penetrates to the deep dermis will leave a scar
As mere mortals, there is almost nothing we can do to prevent scar formation, but we do have techniques that allow us to minimize the amount of scars formed. How much scar we form is based on many things, most importantly: genetics, tension on the skin when closed, anatomic location, and surgeon’s ability.
As a plastic surgeon, we are trained in techniques to help minimize scarring by manipulating the tissues to achieve tension free closure and skin edge eversion. Scars take 6 months to 1 year to fully mature (permanent result) and sometimes steroid injections and silicone tape may be needed to help soften these scars.
Plastic surgeons are often called to the emergency room to treat patients with complicated cuts (lacerations). Patients who are unhappy with their existing scars may benefit from a scar revision, where the old scar is removed and the tissues closed with plastic surgery techniques.