Sharp laceration, crushing injuries and avulsions can disrupt the nerves, tendons, ligaments and bones of the hand. As a fully trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Bastidas has signif...
Mobius syndrome is a congenital (birth) deformity where patients are born with facial paralysis on either one or both sides. Facial reanimation of the ability to smile can be performed usin...
Bell’s palsy is form of facial paralysis related to dysfunction of the facial nerve. Most cases are one-sided (unilateral) and the source is often unknown (idiopathic). It may be ass...
Sometimes called Parry-Romberg disease, involves an autoimmune response where the subcutaneous fat of the face wastes away leaving significant contour defects. It is most common in young females...
All faces are inherently asymmetric but severe asymmetry may be the result of hemifacial microsomia (HFM). HFM can be associated with orbit (eye socket), ear (microtia) and jaw malformat...
A congenital nevus, “mole”, “birthmark”, is a nest of pigmented cells called melanocytes located underneath the skin causing a discoloration. A congenital nevus is pres...
Malformation of the external ear may require complex reconstruction requiring the use of cartilage from the rib. This reconstruction is usually postponed until a minimum age of eight to allow fo...

A cleft lip is a defect (gap) between the lip and or nostril edges that may occur commonly in up to 1/1000 newborns. It may often be diagnosed on prenatal ultrasound around 20 weeks of gestation. Surg...
Wasting of the facial fat can lead to severe facial asymmetry in patients with Romberg’s disease and Scleroderma. Plastic Surgeons can help augment the facial tissues using fat grafting te...
A cleft palate is a hole in either the hard and/or soft palate due to failure of these structures to fuse in the midline during fetal growth. This hole creates a connection (fistula) between the...
Large protruding ears can be a source of discomfort and teasing for children and adults. When discovered at birth, a small appliance can be fixed to hold the ear in an anatomic position in a p...
Clefting of the lip almost invariably involves the nose, where the rim of the nose is often malpositioned. In addition, the septum is often deviated causing obstruction and decreases passage of ...
Cancers or trauma can leave large defects in the scalp or areas of missing hair (alopecia). Large rotational flaps or sometimes tissue expanders (balloons) are needed to re-establish the hairline (rem...
Branchial clefts/remnants are leftover structures from fetal development. These lesions may be found along a track from the ear to the lower jaw and neck. Surgical removal is advocated to ...
Neurofibroma is a benign tumor of the tissue that surrounds nerves. It may be associated with a syndrome known as von Recklinghausen and involve multiple parts of the body. A small percent...
Cleft palates can be related to having decreased growth of the upper jaw leading to a retruded midface. The upper teeth should sit in front (anterior) to the lower teeth in a normal bite. ...
Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) occurs when the soft palate can not effectively close off the connection between the nose and the mouth allowing air to escape through the nose. This make lead...
Dermoid cysts are masses (bumps) commonly found in the region of the nose, eye brow, and scalp of young children. They may grow with age and can cause inflammatory reactions or an infection when they ...
Newborns may sometimes presents with patchy areas of the scalp missing skin or bone with exposed dural (sac covering brain) tissue. Small defects may be treated conservatively with moist dressings but...
Deformational PlagiocephalyExternal forces from compression in utero or from molding by lying on the back of the head can cause an abnormal head shape known as deformational plagiocephaly. ...