The upper and lower jaws can be moved to improve your bite (occlusion), reduce stress on the TMJ, and improve facial aesthetics. The incisions are hidden inside mouth and the new position ...
Plastic surgeons are often consulted for excision and/or wound closure for skin cancers that are either complex or located in anatomically sensitive areas. Dr. Bastidas specializes in techniqu...
The nose lies in the center of the face and is the most visible of all facial structures. It is composed of a lining, structure and skin envelope, all of which must be individually reconstruct...
One of the most common procedures performed today, small alterations on the underling foundation of the nose can lead to great results in the overall form and function. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is...
Trauma from car accidents and falls can cause severe damage to the tissues and bones of the legs. Plastic surgeons are often consulted by orthopaedic and vascular surgeons to help manage co...
Migraines are severe headaches that are thought to arise from a pathologic nerve response from constricting muscles. Patients non-responsive to medications may be candidates for botox thera...
The lips are the center of facial expression and reconstruction requires a thorough understanding of the anatomy. The upper lip is in the shape of a bow, and has a central fullness known as th...
An ablative or non-ablative laser maybe used for removing lesions and for skin resurfacing.

Torn Ear LobesHeavy earrings worn for long-term can lead to stretching of the holes and sometimes complete tears of the earlobe. Torn ear lobes can be easily repaired under local anesthesia ...
Vascular malformations are abnormal growths of either arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels and capillaries. Port wine stain (see photos), is a capillary malformation, and may affect a sign...
Chin projection is important in the facial profile, and the lack of adequate projection can lead to a sagging neck and the appearance of a larger than normal nose. The projection can be au...
Trauma from motor vehicle accidents and infection may often leave large defects in the skull creating significant irregularities and deformities in the scalp. Working with Neurosurgeons, Plastic...

A hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor that may be present at birth or appear shortly after birth. It may grow rapidly from a small pin sized red dot to a large mass (tumor) during the first ...
Treacher collins syndrome can be genetically inherited or occur as new mutations and cause a pattern of facial clefting as well as a small lower jaw. Treatment is aimed at first improving the ...
FACT: Any break in the skin that penetrates to the deep dermis will leave a scarAs mere mortals, there is almost nothing we can do to prevent scar formation, but we do have techniques that allow...
Cancers or trauma can leave large defects in the scalp or areas of missing hair (alopecia). Large rotational flaps or sometimes tissue expanders (balloons) are needed to re-establish the hairlin...
Nasal bones are the most common facial fracture, usually resulting from falls or altercations. In the first 2 weeks after the injury the bones can often be reset without making any incisions un...
A small lower jaw (mandible) can lead to abnormal tongue positioning causing a cleft palate which may obstruct the airway in some newborns. The small jaw prevents the tongue from lying forward...
A small lower jaw is known as mandibular hypoplasia and it can be isolated or part of a syndrome (along with other deformities). One or both sides of the jaw can be involved and treatment is aimed at ...
Webbing of the fingers and toes is known as syndactyly. The involved fingers or toes can be fully fused at the level or the bone, or simply by the skin. The release of the involved structu...